Research methods

Data Science

Data science turns big data into smart data


Using customised data science solutions to generate valuable knowledge.


The amount of data generated in retail every day is increasing at a rapid rate. This often presents companies with challenges, as they often lack resources and the necessary know-how to convert the data available into well-founded knowledge.

Our in-house data science & analytics team offers you latest data science solutions, tailored to your needs. At Yagora, we turn big data into smart data, transforming it into valuable knowledge years to answer your individual questions.

We process big data using artificial intelligence (AI), identify behavioural patterns and interdependencies, and convert data into valuable, knowledge. The data science team processes a large number of data types from a wide variety of sources using the latest advanced machine learning algorithms.

Your added value thanks to our data science solutions


We provide you with the knowledge you need to take the appropriate shopper marketing and sales measures. 

Data Science Mehrwerte Transformation von Daten

Transformation of data into valuable knowledge about shoppers.

Data Science Mehrwerte Schaffung von Entscheidungsgrundlagen

Creation of data-based decision bases for your marketing and sales measures.

Data Science Mehrwerte Langfristiger Einsatz von Daten

Long-term, profitable use of data.

Data Science Mehrwerte Optimale Steuerung v2

Optimal control of the marketing mix through valid data.


Overview of data science solutions


We support you through the targeted use of latest methods from the fields of big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and data visualisation in the following areas:

  • Data validity check: Analysis and evaluation of all existing data and data sources
  • Data structuring & data standardisation: Linking of existing internal/external data and data sources
  • Data strategy: Development of a tailored data strategy
  • Data analysis by our own data science team (also client onsite)
  • Data visualisation & dashboard development

What sets us apart: Many years of in-house expertise


Whether you’re looking for ad-hoc specialist analysis or regular support, our in-house data science team is happy to assist you, including at your premises.


Types of analysis and their application (extract):

  • Choice modelling with conjoint analysis
  • Volume extrapolation by means of extreme gradient boosting machine
  • Shopper/product segmentation
  • Uplift with advanced regression
  • Media panel validation
  • Season optimisation
  • Customer lifetime value

Data Science Projects


Find out more about the data science projects we have implemented.



Case Studies