Range of services

Price & Promotion Price Management

Optimising your price/product portfolio 


The price and the promotional price are two of the most important sales drivers. We work with you to optimise your price/product portfolio and to identify the most profitable promotional price.

In addition to using the latest price research methods, such as conjoint analysis, as neutral test partners for the retail industry we also have the opportunity to research the effect of price changes or promotional price changes in real-life situations via our test market panel.

We develop, measure and optimise for our industry and retail customers, for example, in the following areas:

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Themen Regulaerpreis

Standard price optimisation

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Themen Promotion Preis

Promotional price optimisation

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Themen Preis Produkt Portfolio

Price/product portfolio optimisation

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Themen Preissensitivitaet

Price sensitivity analysis

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Themen Preisschwelle

Price threshold analysis

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Themen Targeted Pricing

Targeted pricing


Typical questions from customers that we answer:

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Preisveraenderung Icon

Effect of price changes

How will a change in the price of my products affect sales?

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Promotion Preis Schwelle Icons

Promotional price threshold

What is the promotional price threshold below which a further price reduction will no longer increase sales?

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Gewinn Optimale Promotion Preis Icons

Promotional price

What is the promotional price that will maximise profits?

Yagora Price and Promotion Management Strategie Icons


What is the ideal product/price portfolio strategy for each sales channel?


"Thanks to Yagora, we were able to identify the price potential of our product portfolio and optimise our franchise business. Yagora’s detailed price recommendations and data on expected market shares both for our existing product portfolio and for planned new products contributed significantly to this."


Jan Roman Redeker

Head of licensing Business EMEA

Weber-Stephen Products (EMEA) GmbH