Your added value through real-life store tests
Research methods
Approximately 70% of purchase decisions aren’t made until shoppers reach the POS and they are subject to a variety of influencing factors. This means that it is increasingly difficult to predict the success of your marketing and sales measures on the basis of studio or online testing alone.
Real-life store tests (controlled market tests) offer you the opportunity to test your product or marketing and sales measures under real, unaffected conditions in real stores. Real-life store tests record the reactions of shoppers in their normal everyday life without their knowledge, thus providing authentic results in terms of effect on sales and turnover.
As the market and quality leaders for real-life store tests, we have more than 20 years of experience in the field. We have implemented several hundred market tests to answer a wide range of shopper marketing and sales questions in different product groups.
Realistic success forecasts and optimised success strategies
Convincing listing arguments for retailer negotiations
Review and optimisation of measures in advance of national implementation
Efficient budget planning
Effects on sales and turnover become apparen through real-life store tests in conjunction with the analysis of scanner data. Our controlled real-life store tests are designed as before/after tests with test and control groups (matched samples).
The test and control groups are comprised of stores with comparable framework conditions.
The net change is calculated in order to quantify the causal effect of marketing measures on sales or turnover.
Sales/turnover per week and store
Comparison with competitor products (turnover/sales/ranking)
Net change
Cannibalisation effect
Using modern econometric analysis methods, basic sales, sales generated by marketing measures and seasonal effects can also be shown in isolation.
Full Service
Out team carries out implementation of market acquisition, listing, goods logistics, placement, data collection and much more
Experienced project managers provide comprehensive advice on designing the test and calculate the amount of test goods required
Field service
Regular monitoring of implementation in test and control stores by permanent field service team
Test evaluation
Evaluation using scanner data, customer loyalty card data and shopper research carried out by our in-house data science, analytics and research team
Retail cooperation
Diverse implementation options thanks to long-term retail cooperation
Evaluation of results from a factual, neutral perspective
Standard test market research with analysis of scanner data provides meaningful information on sales and turnover effects for test products and defined competitor products.
Conclusions cannot be drawn, however, with regard to purchasing behaviour on a household-by-household basis or on the shopper’s decision-making when shopping. We use data from customer loyalty cards and shopper research methods to answer these questions.
Data from customer loyalty cards can be used to analyse a range of topics including reach, repeat purchase behaviour, shopping frequency, proportion of new buyers and buyer profiles.