Virtual shelf test



  • A manufacturer in a fast growing category wants to test new shelf layouts at low cost.
  • Due to time pressure, insights are needed as soon as possible.
  • 1-2 “Winning Concepts” should be identified.
  • The "winning concepts" are then tested in a real life store test.

Research Questions

  • Which products / shelf areas are attracting buyers' attention?
  • How efficient is the shelf layout in attracting shoppers' attention?
  • Where are the frequented / unfrequented areas in the shelf layout?
  • How do different shelf materials (e.g. wobblers) change the attention of shoppers?
  • How quickly can certain products be found?


  • In order to generate well-founded shopper insights as quickly as possible, online interviews including a virtual shelf test are carried out.
  • The implicit attractiveness of the shelf concept is measured by a virtual shelf test.
  • An online survey with open and closed questions is carried out as an explicit research method.


  • The shopper survey demonstrated how the different shelf layouts perform in terms of shelf perception, attention level and orientation.


  • By using heat maps, it was possible to identify the aspects of each shelf layout that first caught the respondents' attention.


  • In addition, it was possible to examine how quickly a certain product was found and which product would be bought by the shopper.


  • As part of the project, Yagora was able to identify two shelf layouts, which were validated afterwards in a real life store test.

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